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  • Writer's pictureConny Gunz

The meaning of colors

As a child, I loved to take out my big box of crayons and, before starting to paint, I would place them "correctly" according to the colors. This was my natural way of playing with colors and arranging them harmoniously as a child. At that time I had no idea about primary colors and color combinations..... or maybe I did?

How much do we know in our subconscious about colors and their effects? As children, we are much more open and don't question whether something fits or not or what others might think. Children get up in the morning and choose clothes that make them feel good. They choose the colors that support them in their walk. This is not a cognitive decision, it is an intuition.

And us, the adults. How are we dealing with it? Do we get up in the morning and put on the colors that make us feel good, or do we dress up because it's fashionable at the moment? Even if it doesn't really make us happy. When did we stop listening to our inner self and not caring what others think?

What is more important, my well-being or what others may think?

You may have to dress a certain way for your job. I think of those who work in nursing and medical care or in the police, fire brigade, army, etc. Here the colors are deliberately used for different purposes.

In the healthcare and medical sector, it makes sense from a hygiene point of view that work clothes are provided by the employer and washed in-house. The employer is therefore also the one who determines the color and, most probably for financial reasons, they are all the same.

A long time ago I worked in a nursing home where the management decided that all people working in the dementia ward had to wear orange and pink aprons.

Orange and raspberry are colors that have a warming aspect, but they are above all stimulating colors. Anyone with a minimum of experience with Alzheimer's or dementia knows that over-stimulation of these patients is the last thing you want. The management of the nursing home then had the excellent idea of painting the walls of the dementia wing orange and raspberry, which brought the house down.

This is to show you that the use of colors can have different effects. On us, but also on our environment.

Physically speaking, color is an electromagnetic vibration with a specific frequency and can therefore have an effect on the cell via the eye or the skin. Naturally, we choose colors that reflect our moods and desires, for our clothes, for our interior design or for our cars - all of which reflect the way we feel. Whether we are aware of it or not.

If you want support to develop your personal style and feel strong, confident and good about yourself, then I know a beautiful fairy who can help you.

Colors have a particular influence on all aspects of life. If you surround yourself with a certain color, its particular qualities will have a stronger effect on you.

Every color and every shade of color has its own quality, its own symbolism and its own effect. The lighter a color is, the more immaterial it is, the more subtle it is.

Color is a very subjective concept. What evokes a certain feeling for me will evoke a very different feeling for another person, sometimes for reasons of personal preference, sometimes for reasons of culture, personal experience or religious conditioning. Color theory is a science in itself, as is the study of the effects of colors on people.

Here is a summary

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