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Super Star, Webdesign, Coaching, energetisches onlinepräsenz, Logo design, Web design,

"My greatest joy is to see you shine when you start

your way into your independence

full of joy, motivation and lightness".

A group of spiritual entrepreneurs (1).webp

Your Energetic* Online Presence


Each of us is unique. Everyone has their own path and their own speed. I support you on your journey to your heart's business.


The Superstar(t) Package contains everything you need to take off full speed and bring your successful business authentically into the world. Energetic logo design, business cards, website but also one-to-one coaching as well as many tips & tricks from my many years of experience.


You will be individually supported on all levels.

Energetic, business & life, with a lot of fun and ease.


*The connection of your unique energy with your future, successful business.

Super Star, Webdesign, Coaching, energetisches onlinepräsenz, Logo design, Web design,
Energetische Webseitengestaltung, Webdesign, Web Design, Spirituel,


CHF 2800.-

  • Initial consultation (45min - 60min) via Zoom or Skype

  • 1x energetic logo design incl. colour concept for all further printed matter and website

  • 1x business card design 2 pages

  • 1x object as desired - flyer, letter paper, appointment card, voucher etc.

  • 1x concept & design of your personal website with:

- Max 8 main & 12 submenu pages

- Mobile version

- Google Maps, contact form, newsletter if desired

- Cookies, AGB's & privacy policy

- Connection to your own domain

- Search engine optimisation (Google SEO)

- Integration of other functions if desired (not including booking or payment systems)


  • 45min coaching on CMS via Zoom

  • 3x 45min - 1h coaching during the whole process

  • If you wish, I can accompany you via Telegram or Whatsapp

  • 1x 45min - 1h special coaching on newsletter & customer database development

The costs for CMS programme (from CHF 120.- / year), prints, hosting, domain etc. are not included in the offer.


A deposit of 1/3 is required.

I can do almost everything for you. But there are a few things that are up to you.

What you have to do yourself:


All texts are supplied by you

Spelling is your responsibility

I have access to large image databases for royalty-free images. Photos of you, your practice or whatever would have to be supplied by you.

Paying the annual WIX subscription / domain and hosting if applicable

If necessary - cancellation of old domains & hostings

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