§ 1) You receive a body. This body is new and unique. No one else gets the same.

§ 2) You receive a brain. It can be useful to use it. Or not.

§ 3) You get a heart. You get the best results by listening to it.

§ 4) You get lessons. No one gets exactly the same lessons as you or can take them away from you.

§ 5) You can do what you want. Everything you do creates something. What? No one can tell you in advance. Whoever does it is an impostor.

§ 6) A lesson is repeated until it is understood.
§ 7) This contract is the same for everyone. There are no privileges, even if some claim that there are (handwritten changes are not valid).
§ 8) You get mirrors to learn. Many mirrors look like other bodies. They are there to show you something that is inside you.
§ 9) If your body is destroyed or stops functioning, you get a new one (there may be a waiting period).
§10) The incarnation contract only expires when all the lessons have led to a satisfactory result.
§ 11. What is satisfactory is for you to decide.

Useful hints and tips
The aim is not to have as much money as possible when leaving the body. However, it can be quite useful during one's lifetime.
There is no bonus for fame or popularity.
You don't have to take your cue from others' mistakes.
Rules are there to be reviewed.
Claims of others about the goal, can be distractions.
You can't do anything wrong, at most it can take longer.
Time is an illusion.
You have access to ALL answers through a special connection in your heart.
Everything within the training room responds to heart radiation.
Attempts to damage the classroom will lead to limitations.
No one can take responsibility away from you.
Violence never leads to a solution.
It can be useful to pay attention to what situations are repeated.
Drugs (legal and illegal) can distort the perceptions of the lessons.
There is no right solution.
There are no extra clauses, for anyone.
You are loved (even if you live in the Bronx or Somalia). Everything else is deception.
Lessons are special opportunities to develop, not evil intent.
It can be risky to entrust your body to others.
You get opportunities (preferably during the night hours) to leave your body.
Playing around with your body is your right. On the bodies of others, it requires their consent.
Copying is pointless.
Anyone who offers you life insurance is a fraud.
Willfully ending an incarnation leads to a lot of useless paperwork.
Scientific opinions and holy scriptures serve to confuse.
It is not about being first.
It is not about looking cool.
No one cuts a better figure than you in your situation.
You are not the only one who doubts the meaning of the incarnation contract.
Since you agreed to this contract, it is useless to complain about it because you are already here.